Bài đăng

Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 3, 2024

Privacy Policy

  Last Modified:  September   22 th,  202 3 Privacy Policy Contents 1. Overview 2. Data Related to You That We Might Collect and Process 3. Information Collected By Third Party Service Providers 4. Cookies and Similar Technologies 5. Sharing, Transference, and Disclosure of Your Personal Data 6. Data Retention 7. Personal Data Protection 8. Minor Privacy Protection 9. Your Rights for Personal Data Related to You That We Process   10. Special Notification for residents in California, U.S. 11. Special Notification for residents in the E.U. 12. Updates and Notifications of Privacy Policy 13. Contact Us   1. Overview This policy explains to users (hereinafter referred to as "you") how and why  MicroEra  collects, uses, stores, shares, transfers, discloses, and processes certain data of yours. According to this privacy policy, your personal data will be processed to provide services once you have installed our mobile application, accessed and/or played our games. If you have any c